Monday, July 11, 2011

Wreck Me

Wreck Me

Recently I listened to a sermon on Vimeo from a church in Eastern PA (called the Journey Church in Limerick/Schwenksville) area that really convicted me. I've never been to that church, but I so enjoyed the sermon, I felt compelled to write this.

You can listen to the sermon here:

Wreck me

Lord I cry out to you to wreck me

Wreck me to know my purpose

Wreck me to know love

Wreck me to love like you, to love like no other

Wreck me God to understand your word

Wreck me lord to have a perfect and thorough compassion

Wreck me to be the husband, father and friend that I should be

Wreck me God to know my strengths, to know my weaknesses

Wreck me to use my gifts to help your children

Wreck me lord to know the intimate needs of my brothers

Wreck me lord to see the need of my fellow man, to respond to that need

Wreck me lord to let go my own selfish desires

Wreck me lord to know what's right

Wreck me lord to do what's right

Wreck me lord to discover new empathies

Wreck me to not abandon you

Wreck me to remain firm in my resolve, steadfast in the path you have set before me

Wreck me God to recognize the need for salvation, to pave the way for salvation, to lead others to salvation

Wreck lord, just wreck me.

Wreck me so that I can start over, so that I can rebuild myself

Wreck me lord to be the person you want me to be

Wreck me lord know your will, to bend to your will

Wreck me lord to become more like you

Wreck me to fill me with joy

wreck me to be ever mindful of the grave, of the sacrifice

Wreck me to overwhelm me with grace

Wreck me to teach me grace

Wreck me so that I learn to give a perfect grace

Wreck me to know my enemies, but to love them like a friend

Wreck me so that I may know, so that I may understand, so that I may walk in the ways that are right

Wreck me God, just wreck me

So, you're not perfect, that's OK Maybe you have sins in your past that I can't even imagine, that's OK. I may not know you, but I pray this for you too. I may not know you, but I love you just the same. I pray for you, for me, for all of us that God will wreck us, that God will rebuild us, that we will be the people that God desires us to be.